1.Honda City-6,00,000
2.Diamond Necklace-1,40,000
3.Sony Vaio-1,20,000
4.Digital SLR-74,000
this is the list which Deepa, one of my friend here in my group @ Oracle, wants to be gifted for her, from those people who are scared of her (sadly, that includes me too). And that 3rd item is assigned to me. I have already told that Rich Girl that i'm poor kid. What to do... me scared of her..
So, we all from SOD Club ("Scared Of Deepa" Club), decided that we will get all these things from her for her BDay. How about this idea Deepa????
Leveraging the Universe
5 months ago
u pay me... will buy u the item assigned...
Posted on Monday, October 06, 2008 3:19:00 PM
Thanks a ton Deepa for the comment...
no paying.. u need to gift us
that... u're The Rich Girl Deepa... you can... :)
And advance Thanks for the gift which you're goin to give us... :)
Posted on Monday, October 06, 2008 3:27:00 PM