> Move in Closer Each time you spot a subject, snap a shot and then move in closer for a better shot. Having your subject almost fill the frame helps your viewer understand and appreciate your photo. Also, details are often more interesting than an overall view. Keep moving in closer until you are sure the photo will successfully represent your subject.
> Be Quick If it is at all possible that your subject may move, bolt, fly away, shoot once right away. Practice getting quicker and quicker to the draw. As the motto of one of better photo old t-shirt states, "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later."
> Compose with Care Strive to lead the eye along an interesting path through the photo, with the use of strong lines or patterns.
> Keep the level horizon;
> Crop out extra elements that you are not interested in (more on this is the next tip);
> Consciously place your subject where you think it most belongs rather than just accepting it wherever it happens to land in the photo;
> Play with perspective so that all lines show a pattern or lead the eye to your main subject;
> Work with the Rule of Thirds.
> Be Selective Discern what you are really interested in and center your efforts on getting the best photo of the particular subject. Whether it’s still life, your funny cat, a mood, a place or culture. Then be sure to keep anything that would distract out of the picture. Go as far required to remove unwanted elements. The easiest way is to watch your borders when you look through the viewfinder.
> Focus On Your Subject Practice shooting with different apertures and monitor the results afterwards to learn how depth-of-field affects your photo. You will find that a smaller depth-of-field (and smaller f-stop #) focuses all the attention upon your subject. This is great for taking a picture of your child, your dog, or your husband - subjects stand out against a blurry background. Likewise, you will find that a greater depth-of-field (bigger f-stop number) will make everything from here to eternity appear in focus. This will help make those landscapes fascinating and lovely.
> Experiment in Time Use a slow shutter speed and a tripod to make a pretty picture of any creek or stream. On the other hand, you can use a fast shutter speed (1/500 and up) to capture an object in motion.
> Look at the Light It is good to see what kind of light you are working with. Which way are the shadows falling? Unless you want a silhouette effect, where your subject is black against an interesting background, it's generally best to shoot with the sun behind you.
> Watch the Weather If it's overcast, simply keep the sky out of your pictures as much as possible. This is usually the best way to avoid both muted tones in your subject and washed-out skies in your background. You might also find black and white pictures of an overcast day more pleasing than color.
> Keep it Simple Instead of relying on a fully automatic program, pick a simple, semi-automatic program such as aperture-priority and master shooting in that mode.
> Be Bold Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed by fears of using the wrong settings or anon-politically-correct social policy. With wildlife, adopt a low-impact method when you go places where few photographers have gone before.
> Get down at their Level Hold your camera at the subject’s eye level to capture the power of those magnetic gazes, and mesmerizing Smiles.
> Use a plain background Before taking a picture, check the area behind your subject. A cluttered background will be distracting while, a plain background will emphasize your Subject.
> Use flash outdoors Even outdoors, use the fill flash settings on the camera to improve your pictures.
> Take some Vertical Pictures Many subjects look better in a vertical frame. Make conscious effort to turn your Camera sideways and take some vertical pictures.
> Lock the Focus Lock the focus to create a sharp picture for off –centred subjects.
> Move it From the Middle Bring your Picture to Life simply by placing your Subject off –centre.
> Night photography When that big light in the sky goes down at dusk, photographers have to rely on other light sources to obtain their images. This is the world of slow shutter speeds, artificial light and a different way of seeing things.
> Winter photography Two things to keep in mind as you venture out into the chill are temperature and light.
> Composition A composition that conveys a photographer's intended meaning is an effective one. One that doesn't or that confuses the viewer is not.
> Flash There is probably no type of photography that is more disappointing to the beginner than flash photography.
> The darkroom The ideal darkroom is pitch black, but total darkness is sometimes difficult to achieve in the home, especially if you have commandeered a room that also serves other purposes.
Courtesy: NatGeo
Leveraging the Universe
5 months ago